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Articles by Victoria Lo

Hi there! πŸ‘‹ Thanks for checking out this page. If it is okay with you, please read a little longer.

πŸ“– My Story

In 2019, I was an ordinary adult who love programming as a hobby. I never thought of pursuing a career in tech, nor did I think I can ever make it in the industry as a "self-taught" programmer.

2020 was a big hit to all of us. I struggled with some health issues and had to take a break. After recovering, I started to freelance as a web developer, mainly helping small local businesses in my community. It was then I realized that what started as a hobby when I was young had turned into passion and deep curiosity in the field.

So I took a leap of faith and switched my career from finance to software/web development. At first, it was really hard to stand out with my resume. As a small freelancer without a formal education in Computer Science, my resume had no substance and impact to potential employers. But it all changed after I started this blog...

🎯 An Eternal Mission

Today, I am still an ordinary adult who love programming. The difference is that I love writing now too! The topics I write vary from technical articles relating to web development to blogging tips to empower new writers.

My purpose of writing on this blog is simple: to help the community and learn new things every day together.

It's always super rewarding to read a comment or post that my article helped inspire someone's motivations, goals and journey, or just made them smile. Providing great value to others is what I consider as the ultimate and eternal mission of this blog.

πŸ”₯ Wow! Still here?

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this long page.

I have been writing non-stop on this blog since May 2020. As you know, it takes a lot of concentration, discipline, time management and hard work; so your support would mean a lot to me, as it tells me that I am on the right track.

If you are willing to support my blog and its mission, please consider sponsoring me or buy me a cup of tea πŸ˜‡~

Also, please feel free to reach out or connect via Twitter, GitHub or LinkedIn.

If you have any questions, my inbox is always open! Shoot an email anytime!

Stay safe and stay tuned for my next articles! Cheers!

Sincerely, a tea-loving nerd 🍡

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